Every user-specified keyword and its attributes are read from a user-specified file and stored as a node on a linked list, called Key_List. 所有用户指定的关键字及其属性将从用户指定的文件中读取,并存储为链接列表中的一个节点(称为KeyList)。
Always ensure that the Tree Node List for the Data Tree reflects what you previously configured, and save your work. 总是确保DataTree的TreeNodeList反映了您之前所作的配置,并保存您的工作。
Next, set up the new topology by dragging and dropping a custom node from the part list on the left-hand side to the canvas on the right. 下一步,将一个自定义节点从左边的部件列表中拖放到右边的画布上,通过该方法建立新拓扑。
Now scroll down: The core node module provides a lengthy list of rights you can tailor to an editorial workflow. 向下滚动:核心的节点模块提供一个很长的权限列表,您可以在编辑工作流时选择正确的权限。
To retrieve the next node of a list, you need to use the function cdr. 为了获得列表的下一个节点,您需要使用cdr函数。
The node appears in the node list. 该节点将出现在节点列表中。
Cons ( which stands for construct) takes two arguments, the node data and the list that the bottom half of the pair will point to. cons(代表construct)获得两个参数,即节点数据以及pair的下半部分将要指向的列表。
By resolving, we mean either to get a complete list of compatible bindings or to add a valid member to the node list. 解析是指获得兼容绑定的完整列表,或者在节点列表中添加有效的成员。
This line visits the AST tree, starting at the compilation unit ( the top-most node), and queries for a list of all method declarations. 这一行访问AST树,起步于编辑单元(最顶层的节点),并且查询所有的方法声明。
These methods are easily implemented by means of allocating or de-allocating node structures, then modifying the pointers so that the given node is correctly sequenced in the list. 实现这些方法很容易,只需分配或者释放(de-allocating)节点结构,然后修改指针,使给定节点在列表中正确排序即可。
There are two basic update operations performed in standard linked list implementations: inserting and removing a node from the list. 在标准的列表实现中,有两中基本更新操作:向列表中插入(inserting)节点和从列表中删除(removing)节点。
For example, when removing a node from a list, you have to remember to free the memory for the node structure. 例如,当从一个列表中删除某个节点时,必须记住释放这个节点结构的内存。
However, only one RAC node, the first functional node in the list of RAC nodes in a URL like ( 2) will be used to obtain physical connections. 但是,只有一个RAC节点,即URL中RAC节点列表中第一个起作用的节点(如(2))将用来获取物理连接。
The program needs to check and see if the current node is the NULL list. 程序需要检查确认当前节点是否为NULL列表。
Have a, b light list, each node in the list, including learn, results. 已有a、b亮光链表,每个链表中的结点包括学好、成绩。
This is the root node of the test list hierarchy and, initially, it is empty. 这是测试列表层次结构的根节点,该节点最初是空的。
Returns: The new first node of the list. 返回:链表新的首节点。
To see all your tests listed in the test manager window, click the all loaded tests node in the test list pane. 若要查看在“测试管理器”窗口中列出的所有测试,请在测试列表窗格中单击“所有已加载的测试”节点。
Effects: Unlinks the node from the circular list. 作用:从循环链表断开该节点的链接。
File distribution means that a batch of files is sent to sub-nodes from the center node based on distribution list and specific policy. 文件分发是指将一批文件根据分发列表按照一定的策略从中心节点发送到多个子节点。
Whether there is the same node with the new node in the OPEN list may be determined by selecting nodes whose cost are less than the new node. The new principle can reduce the influence of the bottleneck of shared OPEN and CLOSED lists. 判断OPEN表中是否存在与新节点相同节点的准则修改为只比较OPEN表中代价比新节点代价小的节点,新准则可以有效地减少对共享式OPEN,CLOSED表的瓶颈效应。
The Head Node and Singly Linked List 头结点与单链表
Mainly based on the construction of students 'information chains, the article introduces the process of disorder and order construction of node sloe chain list. 本文主要以建立学生信息链表为例,分别介绍无头结点、有头结点单链表的逆序建立和顺序建立过程以及算法实现。
One realization method of Godin algorithm based on linked list structure is presented. Concept lattice node is organized as linked list structure, which helps to quickly search the child node by using indexed table. Accordingly, the time-efficiency of concept lattice incremental construction is improved. 给出了一种基于链表结构的Godin算法实现方法,该方法采用链表结构组织格结点,并利用索引表,实现了对概念格子结点的快速查找,提高了概念格渐进式构造的效率。
The calculation cost was further reduced by method of deleting visited node instead of comparison taboo list. 采用删除已访问节点的方法取代比较禁忌表的方法,进一步降低了计算代价。
Each node of the list consists of six fields. Both the generation and drawing of the synthesis tree use the preorder technique. 合成树采用的是链表存储方式,每一个结点由六个域组成,且在建树和画树的过程中,均用前序遍历。
In this case, it needs to modify the preferential list for all nodes to ensure each node in the preferential list is selected as the k th preferential node by one and only one node else. 这时需要调整各正常结点的优先列表,以保证每个结点被一个也只能是一个结点选择为自已的第k个优先结点,以减少任务的失败率。
The neighbor node list provides nodes adjacent to the node in physic, and the node cache table provides the hot nodes. 邻居结点表使路由选择接近真实物理位置,结点缓存表则优先考虑热点结点。
The algorithms have a common problem that it needs scan descendant node list repeatedly in some cases. This leads to a large number of intermediate results, thus affecting the efficiency of the algorithm seriously. 该类算法有一个通病,即在某些情况下需要多次重复扫描后代节点列表,这导致大量中间结果产生,严重影响了算法执行效率。
When adding a node, the traditional method requires the first node from the list to find the beginning, and then follow the next pointer of each node, until you find the last node, then add the new node into the list tail. 在新增一个节点时,传统的方法需从链表的第一个节点开始查找,然后顺着各个节点的next指针,直到找到最后一个节点,再将新节点插入链表尾部。